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F. Theuss, Simarro, Gde la Fuen, Shragai, A., Grissonnanche, G., Hayes, I. M., Saha, S., Shishidou, T., Chen, T., Nakatsuji, S., Ran, S., Weinert, M., Butch, N. P., Paglione, J., and Ramshaw, B. J.,
“Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy for Irregularly Shaped Samples and Its Application to Uranium Ditelluride”,
Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, no. 6, 2024.
F. Theuss, Shragai, A., Grissonnanche, G., Hayes, I. M., Saha, S. R., Eo, Y. Suk, Suarez, A., Shishidou, T., Butch, N. P., Paglione, J., and Ramshaw, B. J.,
“Single-component superconductivity in UTe2 at ambient pressure”,
Nature Physics, 2024.